The Stories

I have been writing short stories since the 1980s. I took a course titled “Writing to Sell Fiction,” and my instructor was J. N. (Jerry) Williamson. He not only helped me sharpen my first two or three stories, he introduced me to the Small Press Writers and Artists Organization (SPWAO) and to HOWL (now the Horror Writers Association). These led me down a long road of submission, rejection, eventual success and on toward where I am today.

I have well over 150 published stories, with a bunch of new ones on the way. I have at least two new collections upcoming, and possibly my first official solo poetry collection. Anyway, this is the page where I’ll update my bibliography, and where I will link to my collections, with some commentary on their contents.



The Fall of the House of Escher & Other Illusions

Defining Moments

Ennui & Other States of Madness

The Whirling Man and Other Tales of Blood, Pain & Madness

The Call of Distant Shores

A Taste of Blood and Roses

Etched Deep and Other Dark Impressions

The Compleate Pigge

Mephistopheles Doufis & The Bearer of Bad Shoes

Mephistopheles Doufis & the Final Flight of Hawk the Lugee