So, arcs have been out for a little while to a number of authors and reviewers, and reactions are coming in. I wanted to creat this post to highlight some of them… Waiting for a book to come off of pre-order is always rough. Waiting until next January is going to kill me… but comments like these absolutely make all the difference. YOU CAN PREORDER NOW on Amazon / B&N / Smashwords / Apple and KOBO. Bookstores will find it in the Ingram Catalog. Release 1/3/2023.
From the Foreword by Richard Chizmar:
David Niall Wilson’s short story collection, The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths is long overdue and well worth the wait. In fact, I devoured it in a single sitting. I can’t remember the last time that happened. Three hundred pages, twenty-one short stories, nearly half of them original to this book, and they went down like a shot of top shelf whiskey, scorching my soul and leaving me dizzy. The Devil’s in the Flaws is a treasure chest of fine storytelling, and I envy you the opportunity to experience it.
Here’s the thing about David Niall Wilson: he can do it all. His prose is clear and concise and propulsive. He knows how to hook the reader, make them care, and guide them to the edge of their seat where they are turning the pages as fast as they can. He’s a natural born storyteller in that regard.
But he’s also something else: a stylish son-of-a-gun; a dark poet. His writing is lush and rich and full of rhythmic layers. Trust me, no one will ever mistake Wilson for a pulp writer (whose work I also happen to enjoy); instead, he comes across as a wizened jazzman, dressed all in black, lurking in the smoky corner of a seedy New Orleans club. If you’re lucky, he’ll wave you over and play you a secret tune. If you’re lucky, he’ll hypnotize you with his wordplay. The point I’m trying to make here is that while many pure storytellers—including yours truly—shine the brightest when it comes to moving the reader from Point A to Point B with a minimum of stylistic flourishes, Wilson’s talent is such that he is able to accomplish this task with a more lofty literary focus. I only despise him a little bit because of this talent.
“Reading The Devil’s in the Flaws and Other Dark Truths is a wild experience. Some of the tales are short, some a bit longer. The settings and plots pendulum from gritty realism to hyper-surreal. But the thread that runs through them all is David Niall’s Wilson uncanny ability to draw you into his world and render you helpless to look away no matter how uncomfortable you get. I absolutely loved this collection.” —Jonathan Janz, Author of Marla and The Siren and the Specter
“THE DEVIL’S IN THE FLAWS AND OTHER DARK TRUTHS is a deluxe V.I.P. tour of the formidable imagination of David Niall Wilson. A genre veteran, David’s great talent is brilliantly on display in these stories. I found myself rereading passages, savoring the darkly beautiful prose. If you’re a horror fan, you need some Wilson in your life, and this collection is a great start.” – Ray Garton, Author of Live Girls, Crucifax, and dozens of others. “Also from Ray (with permission): “Your writing is beautiful. It contains all the minutia of real life in tangible ways. It moves me. I’m envious because you’re the kind of writer I’ve always wanted to be, and I’ve tried, but without success. I’m a pulp writer to the bone, it turns out.” (Thanks Ray…)
“There is a remarkable range of style on full display in David Niall Wilson’s The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths. Distinguished and completely unpredictable, Wilson flaunts his impressive abilities to always surprise and bewilder his readers. A truly astonishing collection.” —Eric LaRocca, author of Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes
“Each of the stories in David Niall Wilson’s new collection is a quest; a quest for one’s soul, a quest for some fragment of perfection, for something irrevocably lost, for survival, redemption, revenge, love. These are quests enthralling, enlightening, and masterfully realized. Crafted with precision, poise, and Wilson’s own captivating style. You’ll not want them to end.” — Brian A. Hopkins, Four-Time Bram Stoker Award Winner
“…this collection is hard to pin down, blurring genre boundaries between horror, sci-fi, and fantasy and offering up slippery, hard-to-grasp stories… …Though these stories won’t keep readers up at night, they will certainly provoke contemplation.” – Publisher’s Weekly
[…] Right Reverend Cletus J. Diggs & the Currently Accepted Habits of Nature – One copy of The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths in any eBook format and one signed copy of Heart of a Dragon, the book that will mint as an NFT on […]